
I regretted my words. ‘I know that. I just…never mind. You want flies with that?’ I regretted those words more, but that didn’t stop me. ‘And a joke?’ She glared. Her nostrils flared. ‘This is the…


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A Prayer

More than our ideas of you
More than what we have seen You do
More than our fathers could say
Take us to depths in you
Teach our hearts to keep up with you
With your unfolding

Help our finite minds to handle these depths as they come
That the rhythms of our hearts sync with Yours
That our hearts beat for the same things as yours
That we hear the pulse and see the pace of heaven
That we walk the earth as you move in the heavens

We run, and do not faint
Our feet are rooted in you
Our steps are of those that shine brighter
Visions, becoming clearer
Accuracy in hearing
And comfort to men with Your words on our lips

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