Pear Juice Benefits How To Make Pear Juice? Healthy Recipes

Pear Juice Benefits — How To Make Pear Juice? Are you trying to add a nice and healthy beverage to your diet? Pear juice is the only thing you need! This tasty and cooling beverage is a wonderful…


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Blasphemy Law

A Poem

most everyone was there

the citizenry watched

the good threatened
into silence

the evil wearing their
holy sartorial charade
sang acid-laced laughter

they said

she uttered something
horrible. blasphemy.

they said

she was an infidel.

pitiless creatures gathered
hiding their own sullied souls

extending newly washed palms
for a stone to be thrown

most everyone attended

from the village gossips
to the haloed elders

exuberantly celebrating this
egregious miscarriage of justice

and bullets reigned
like meteors landing
into the chest of her defender

stitching the lips
of other dissenters

as she sat quietly in her cell
awaiting the news of her fate
did she ever ask herself

how she could ever
call this place
home again?

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